Gavin Pugh - A Videogame Programming Blog

XNA/C# – Retrieval of Date and Time a Game Was Built

8 February, 2009 at 2:13pm | XNA / C#


During development, generally your testers will be running a version of the game that could be a number of days old.

By the time you’ve got back bug reports there is likely to have been significant progress on the game since. There’s every chance during interim development that bugs could have been fixed before QA found them. Also, the goalposts could be moved; some aspect of the title may have been significantly changed and that bug report you got no longer makes any sense.

For these reasons it’s imperative that when you get back bugs, you know what version of the game they were running. There’s a number of ways you can address this:

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XNA/C# – An Introduction, Build Configurations…

7 February, 2009 at 1:07pm | XNA / C#


So, I alluded to the fact I wanted to begin writing about XNA in my last post. Over the Christmas break I began getting to grips with C# and XNA, and wrote some code to have a go at prototyping a game idea I had. I think it’s pretty cool that you can execute your code on a retail 360 as well. It’s not quite as nice as using a devkit with native code, but it’s pretty close.

Note to Microsoft: Make it easier to launch the XNA connect app from the dashboard. I know it’s not meant to crash, and it doesn’t that often. But I’ve been attempting some dodgy things and I’ve had it fall over several times. It would be great if it appeared at the top of your ‘Game Library’, as the XNA apps themselves do. For the connect app I have to always scroll to the ‘community games’ section and pick it from there.

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Guitar Hero : Metallica announced

1 February, 2009 at 3:44pm | Life, My Games, Work

I only ever seem to write on this blog when there’s a new GH game coming out…


That said, I’ve started to code a little in my free time. I got a block of time over the Christmas break and I decided to have a good go at doing some stuff with XNA and C#. Was a good experience, I feel a lot more comfortable with C# now. I’ve learnt to live with some of the annoying differences between it and C++. I code in the latter every day for my day job; for another language that’s so close to it, it takes a bit of a leap to leave the old ways behind.

So, hopefully I’ll give this blog a bit of a new lease of life soon with some tidbits from my XNA adventures. I’ve got a couple of ‘in-progress’ articles going already.

Anyway, Metallica… Read more »

Getting old

26 August, 2008 at 1:06pm | Life

Amstrad Ebay

I learned how to code on the Amstrad CPC 464. Used to be mad for the system when growing up, read and re-read magazines, and spent hours playing a lot of very bad games. Plus a few good ones, mind. I think I only stopped using it in 1994, when we got our first PC.

Fast forward fourteen years, and things are very different. Read more »

That 'World Tour' game I've been working on…

26 August, 2008 at 11:19am | Life, My Games, Work

Guitar Hero World Tour Box Art

So, updating this site hasn’t gone entirely to plan. Fortunately though my workload has eased up a little now, there’s a number of things I wanted to write about so hopefully I’ll get the chance now.

Speaking of workload, the last ten months or so I’ve spent working on the now announced: Guitar Hero World Tour. Read more »

Dead Rising 2: Grey, Brown Sparsefest?

25 February, 2008 at 9:39pm | New Games


Recently there has been news of that great game ‘Dead Rising’ getting a sequel. It was a big success for Capcom, and I guess came as no surprise that it was coming.

However, the big thing that has generated a talking point is that it’s going to be done by a Western developer. Now, as I work for one of those myself; I shouldn’t be slinging mud. But I’m really a bit concerned that this game can go down some bad avenues.

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Crave? Who the hell are Crave?

18 February, 2008 at 1:00am | Life, My Games

This afternoon, I was checking out eBay for the Gamecube version of the first game I worked on. I’ve pretty much every copy of all my games for each platform, but I didn’t have an NTSC Gamecube one of this title. I spotted a few at decent prices, but I was suprised to see that there were actually two different versions on offer. One from ‘AKA’ Akklaim (a moniker Acclaim adopted to be ‘down with the kids’), and one from a company named Crave Entertainment.

atv2acclaim.png  atv2crave.png

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Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Announced!

17 February, 2008 at 11:00pm | My Games, Work


Finally, it’s officially announced.
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